Step 1 :
Create PUBLIC property/Properties with needed Name-Value
In My example Im taking HOSTNAME , HOST1 & HOST2 as a three propeties.
Step 2 :
Create Set Property CA (Type51)
In my example Im am creating "SetPropForDefferedAccess"
Property Name - To identify the Propertys further by deffered CA (Here Set_PROPERTY)
Property Value - Give the list of properties you want to access in deffered mode [HOSTNAME];[HOST1];[HOST2]
CA Sequence should be set after Install Initialize
Step 3 :
Create New CA- VBscript stored in CA OR any other you need
In my example Im using VBScript stored in Custom action and named as "Set_PROPERTY"
NOTE : This CA name must be identical with the Property name mentioned in Set Property CA (Step 2)
Sequence should be set before Install Finalize
In Script use below code to fetch public property :
Option Explicit
on error resume next
Dim objShell,objFSO
Dim Test,Prop1,Prop2,Prop3
Dim PropArray
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'To Access Single Property
Msgbox Test
'To Access Multiple Properties
PropArray = Split(Session.Property("CustomActionData"), ";")
Prop1 = PropArray(0)
Prop2 = PropArray(1)
Prop3 = PropArray(2)
msgbox Prop1 & " " & Prop2 & " " & Prop3
Please add your comments just to addup more knoweledge about article.
Thanks for the reading :)
Create PUBLIC property/Properties with needed Name-Value
In My example Im taking HOSTNAME , HOST1 & HOST2 as a three propeties.
Step 2 :
Create Set Property CA (Type51)
In my example Im am creating "SetPropForDefferedAccess"
Property Name - To identify the Propertys further by deffered CA (Here Set_PROPERTY)
Property Value - Give the list of properties you want to access in deffered mode [HOSTNAME];[HOST1];[HOST2]
CA Sequence should be set after Install Initialize
Step 3 :
Create New CA- VBscript stored in CA OR any other you need
In my example Im using VBScript stored in Custom action and named as "Set_PROPERTY"
NOTE : This CA name must be identical with the Property name mentioned in Set Property CA (Step 2)
Sequence should be set before Install Finalize
In Script use below code to fetch public property :
Option Explicit
on error resume next
Dim objShell,objFSO
Dim Test,Prop1,Prop2,Prop3
Dim PropArray
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'To Access Single Property
Msgbox Test
'To Access Multiple Properties
PropArray = Split(Session.Property("CustomActionData"), ";")
Prop1 = PropArray(0)
Prop2 = PropArray(1)
Prop3 = PropArray(2)
msgbox Prop1 & " " & Prop2 & " " & Prop3
Please add your comments just to addup more knoweledge about article.
Thanks for the reading :)